Press Release

Vivaldi government Care Centers for victims of sexual violence : six million euros for three new Care Centres after Sexual Violence

State Secretary for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity Marie-Colline Leroy is pleased that at her request, the government is releasing an extra six million euros for three new Care Centres after Sexual Violence.

The new centres will be in Mons, Walloon Brabant and the district of Halle-Vilvoorde. Leroy: "Expanding the number of care centres will allow us to take care of victims even better and, thanks to the unique cooperation with the judiciary and police, identify perpetrators better. This decision is an important step forward in the fight against sexual violence." During the budget talks, the Vivaldi government decided to increase the funds of the Belgian Care Centres after Sexual Violence from 24 million euros annually to 30 million so that three new care centres can be added. This is necessary: between 2017 and 2022, the existing care centres took care of 8230 victims. In 2021, there were 1662 victims. In 2022, the number of victims rose to 3287. More than half of victims seeking help are pupils or students. 24 is the average age of victims. Almost a third of victims are minors. These figures are unfortunately just the tip of the iceberg.   

The new centres will be located in Mons, Walloon Brabant and the district of Halle-Vilvoorde. In doing so, the government is also responding to a demand from the field: these will be places near student campuses; young people are most affected by sexual violence. In the German-speaking Community, contacts will be stepped up with local actors to find out how best to strengthen care for victims of sexual violence there.  

State Secretary Marie-Colline Leroy is pleased with the additional resources: "Sexual violence is a major social problem that is still too much invisible. By expanding the number of centres, the protection of victims can be intensified across the country. The new care centres will be opened near student campuses, the target group most affected by sexual violence. These three Care Centres also make it possible to work within three prosecutors' offices, so that perpetrators can also be better identified and the prosecutor's office can do its job to prevent new sexual violence."  

Care Centres offer 24/7 comprehensive care and support at the victim's pace. They are a unique partnership between hospital staff, police and judiciary. If a victim wants to file a complaint, a vice inspector will come to the scene to conduct a recorded interview.