Press Release

Opening of the tenth Care Centre after sexual violence in the province of Luxembourg (Arlon)

On Thursday 9 November, the tenth care centre after sexual violence will open its doors in the judicial district of Luxembourg. Located at the Vivalia hospital in Arlon, the centre will help to improve the reception and care of victims of sexual violence in the region. It brings together several players: the Vivalia intermunicipal association, Luxembourg's six police zones, the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Judicial District of Luxembourg and the Institute for Gender Equality.

This centre is the tenth to be opened in Belgium on the initiative of the federal government, supported and coordinated by the Secretary of State for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, Marie-Colline Leroy, in collaboration with the Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, Frank Vandenbroucke, the Minister of Justice, Paul Van Tigchelt, and the Minister of the Interior, Annelies Verlinden.

Essential, adapted care for victims of acute sexual violence

The care centre, which will be operational as of 9 November, is a reception centre for all victims of sexual violence, regardless of their age, sexual orientation, administrative status, etc. Initially, the care centre in Luxembourg will be open every day from 9am to 8pm. Outside these opening hours, victims of sexual violence will be attended to by the hospital's emergency department so that they can receive appropriate medical care. Eventually, the care center for victims of sexual violence will be open 24 hours a day.

The care centre offers medical and forensic care, as well as psychological support and aftercare, all in one place. Victims can also file a complaint if they wish. The centre has all the facilities needed to provide quality care: a reception area, fully equipped consulting rooms, a bathroom, a storage room for samples, a consulting room for the psychologist and a secure room for hearings, a secretariat, a relaxation room and a kitchen.

President Vivalia Yves Planchard: "The opening of this care center after sexual violence is a continuation of the work already done to help victims of sexual violence in the gynecology and maternity unit of the Arlon hospital, in full cooperation with the province of Luxembourg. This local structure, based in Arlon, will provide real added value and ensure that victims of sexual violence - who are already struggling - no longer have to travel to Liège or Namur to receive essential care and assistance".

"The fight against all forms of sexual violence is an absolute priority".

For the public prosecutor of the judicial district of Luxembourg, "the fight against all forms of sexual violence is an absolute priority! Every victim deserves reassurance and quality care. Thanks to the opening of the care centre in the judicial district of Luxembourg, every victim - whatever their age, gender, sexual orientation, administrative status, etc. - will receive reassurance and quality care. The judiciary, the police and the hospital thus join forces in the relentless fight against this crime".

Since its creation, the integrated police service has developed and improved the quality of its response to victims. They are listened to, helped and guided. The six local police zones of the judicial district of Luxembourg, as well as the federal police units, "have always been fully committed to this approach and have responded to the project of opening a care center after sexual violence in the province of Luxembourg. On the basis of this new structure, the local and federal police units are pleased to be able to count on the full cooperation of the intercommunal Vivalia in order to guarantee an optimal reception of the victims of sexual violence".

"Every victim should be able to be accommodated in a care cente within an hour of her place of residence".

Marie-Colline Leroy, Secretary of State for Gender Equality: "About 6 out of 10 Belgians, mostly women, are victims of sexual violence in their lifetime. Between 2017 and 2022, the network of care centres after sexual violence will have helped 8230 victims. These shocking figures remind us of the need for accessible centres at national level, offering comprehensive care at the victim's own pace. The care centre after sexual violence in Luxembourg is the tenth centre to be opened since 2017. With the opening of this centre, the State Secretariat is fulfilling its promise: every victim should be able to be received, cared for and assisted in a centre within one hour of their place of residence. In such situations, the accessibility of the centres improves the quality of care for victims and can help to better identify perpetrators. I would like to thank everyone involved in making this project a reality".

Frank Vandenbroucke, Minister of Health: "We live in a worrying and deplorable reality in which women in particular, but also men, are still too often harassed, attacked or even raped. When such a traumatic event occurs, it is essential to place each victim in a safe environment as soon as possible and, above all, to provide them with the right help: tailor-made help at their own pace. As Minister of Health, I immediately supported the establishment of specialised care centres throughout the country. This integrated approach has proved its worth since 2017 and should be further supported and strengthened: we are working on it."

"No one should feel victimised a second time."

Minister of Justice Paul Van Tigchelt: "Sexual violence is a deep-rooted social problem that has been underestimated and ignored for far too long. Victims have not been taken seriously enough and perpetrators have too often gone unpunished. This government is the first to take a real stand against sexual violence. Thanks to the new Sexual Offences Act, perpetrators will be more severely punished and the principle of consent will finally be central. With the expansion of care centres, victims are receiving much better care, the burden of proof is being raised and the chances of being caught are increasing. We are seeing that this approach is working. More and more victims are coming forward for counselling and reporting. Much more evidence is being collected and it is no longer a case of word against word. The fact that victims from the province of Luxembourg can now also go to a care centre after sexual violence is a good thing. I want to make it clear to every victim: in a care centre they are ready to help you. The police and the judiciary take every complaint seriously and do everything they can to find and punish the perpetrator.

Annelies Verlinden, Minister of the Interior, concludes: "Victims of sexual violence must be sure that they will receive professional care and assistance. Thanks to their special training, the vice inspectors really make a difference in this area. Victims must feel understood and safe by the police and other service providers. Misunderstandings should be avoided at all times. No one should feel victimised a second time".