Press Release

State Secretary for Gender Equality, Equal Opportunities and Diversity Marie-Colline Leroy calls for commemoration day for colonisation victims

On Tuesday 24 October, State Secretary for Equal Opportunities Marie-Colline Leroy celebrated the end of the International Decade for People of African Descent together with the Equal Opportunities Department of the FPS Justice. Together with speakers such as Bambi Ceuppens, Paul Beloy and Billy Kalonji, the life, work and contributions of people of African descent were highlighted. The 29 projects that together received 700,000 euros of support thanks to the project call: "Our story: restoring the collective memory" were presented.

State Secretary for Equal Opportunities Marie-Colline Leroy: "Belgium was late in participating in the International Decade for People of African Descent 2014-2024, but today an action programme, in cooperation with civil society, heralds the final year. This action programme with concrete projects including documentaries, podcasts, workshops, murals, will in the coming months highlight the heritage and contributions of people of African descent to our society. This is an important moment in restoring our shared memory."


The project call: "Our story: restoring collective memory" aims to raise the visibility of people of African descent in our society. Several projects also give women a prominent place, with a view to strengthening gender equality. I See You is a cultural and artistic association dedicated to the emancipation of Afro women. With the project 'Kimpa Vita: Reconstructing History, Reinventing the Future', they honour the prophetess Kimpa Vita, in the form of a statue and exhibition. Supernova Film Lab also wants to bring attention to women of African descent. They do this in their new documentary 'Celles qui prennent soin', about several generations of nurses with African roots in Belgium. 


For Secretary of State Leroy, this day is part of a broader political action: "The federal government has adopted clear measures for more diversity and to step up the fight against racism. The government wants to do this work together with associations fighting racism. From 2024, they will receive structural financial support. 900,000 euros have been released for this purpose."


The secretary of state expressly thanks the work of civil society and the commitment of the many associations and individuals who submitted a project: "I want to reinforce this commitment by depositing a note on the government table to implement several measures discussed at the Special Commission on Colonial History, including the official commemoration of the Battle of Tabora and a day of remembrance for the victims of colonisation."